Catherine Bishop
Executive Director
About Catherine
Catherine Bishop joined the Brain Injury/United Spinal Associations of Mississippi in March 2023 as Program Director. Catherine had a rewarding career as an educator before coming to the BIAMS/USAMS. She particularly enjoyed working with academically at-risk students and developing curriculum to address learning gaps. Leaving the classroom was not an easy decision, but Catherine believes that the work of the BIAMS/USAMS addresses critical learning gaps within the community at-large as brain and spinal cord injury are not well-understood by most people without firsthand experience.
Catherine is mother to three daughters, one of whom has a learning disability; she understands the importance of advocacy because her daughter thrives when she is surrounded by teachers and therapists who have a professional understanding of her disorder. She is excited to take on the role of advocate for survivors, family members and caregivers of acquired brain and spinal injury and bring awareness to the teachers, social workers, medical personnel, employers, and others who come into contact with survivors and family members of brain and spinal cord injury.